What They Do
CREW Carbon is permanently removing biogenic CO₂ from wastewater treatment. CREW will leverage wastewater’s immense existing infrastructure, which already concentrates gigatonnes of CO₂ in water, to accelerate the weathering of minerals in a highly measurable process that also provides important benefits to municipal and industrial wastewater treatment facilities.
Why It Matters
Removing CO₂ at scale can be expensive and logistically challenging but CREW Carbon offers a compelling solution. Smart co-location with wastewater facilities already concentrating CO₂ dramatically reduces the need for additional capital intensive infrastructure, and CREW’s approach also improves wastewater treatment efficiency and pollutant removal by removing the cost barrier to pH and alkalinity regulation. Compared to traditional enhanced weathering or alkalinity enhancement, this closed-system approach offers a robust near-term path to measurement, reporting and verification based on co-founder and CEO Jo Katchinoff's and co-founder Prof. Noah Planavksy's research at Yale University. The insights gained from measuring mineral weathering in this controlled environment could also serve as an important precursor for future application in more open-systems.
With operations already removing CO₂ today at facilities in the US and Europe and a clear path to scaling, CREW Carbon is set to play a pivotal role in transforming wastewater treatment plants into carbon removal hubs sequestering CO₂ at gigaton scale.
Jo (CEO) at CREW's pilot site in New Haven, Connecticut