
What They Do

Alithic combines direct air capture (DAC) with mineralisation in a single patented process. The mineralisation reaction directly regenerates the solvent used to capture CO₂ from the air, while also producing a valuable cement replacement.

Why It Matters

Skeptics of DAC will often point to high energy costs, complex sequestration logistics and reliance on carbon credit revenue models. The team at Alithic have very good answers:

  • Their mineralisation reaction, conducted in an alkaline environment, regenerates the solvent used by their capture process, removing the need for any external regeneration energy.

  • The carbonated by-product serves as a replacement for cement, offering further emissions reductions while lowering the cost per tonne of CO₂ removed.

  • "Built-in" mineralisation makes permanent CO₂ sequestration simple and location independent and turns a cost driver into a revenue centre.

Relative to standalone DAC and mineralisation, Alithic's technology promises an order of magnitude of energy savings, new sources of value, and simplified, proven engineering.

The Alithic Team at work in the Lab in Madison, WI