What They Do
Introducing River Alkalinity Enhancement (RAE), CarbonRun’s novel carbon removal solution that also restores river health and boosts local fish populations. Rivers, crucial to carbon cycles, are increasingly acidified as a result of pollution and acid rain, harming fish populations and releasing CO₂ prematurely. By adding alkaline minerals into these vulnerable rivers, Carbon Run traps the CO₂ into stable bicarbonate, and restores the rivers’ natural pH. Data mapping suggests the approach could achieve carbon removal costs below $100/t and be deployable globally at the gigatonne scale. With their decades of experience in river hydrology and river restoration projects, the team at Carbon Run are well-placed to implement this solution worldwide.
Why It Matters
Geochemical carbon removal methods, such as enhanced rock weathering and Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE), aim to increase alkalinity to sequester CO₂ and reduce soil and ocean acidification. Despite their potential, these methods face challenges in implementation due to the complexity of open systems, difficulty in measuring effects (MRV), and high costs.
CarbonRun’s RAE offers a promising alternative by addressing both CO₂ sequestration and river health. Unlike the complexity of open ocean systems MRV, Counteract views rivers as ‘semi-open’ – and, as such, more easy to observe, allowing for stronger MRV, and enhanced integrity and trust. This should drive early demand in the CDR markets, alongside the measurable ecosystem benefits. The impact on boosting fish populations means there is strong community buy in, which should accelerate the adoption of RAE.
Founders Luke (CEO, left), Shannon (CSO, middle), and Edmund (CTO, right)
Collecting data samples in Halifax